What is the Difference Between KilnLink, KilnLink Premium, the Free KilnLink App and MySkutt.com?
KilnLink is the brand name for Skutt’s Kiln Monitoring System.
KilnLink Premium is the full version of KilnLink and includes all of it’s features (see chart below). This version of KilnLink requires a subscription fee. This version is available for Skutt Kilns with Touchscreen Controllers and with kilns that have Standard 24 button KM or GM controllers with Link Boards and KilnLink Boxes. KilnLink Premium is $95/year per kiln or a 5 year subscription may be purchased at a discounted price of $325 per kiln. This works out to less than $6 dollars a month.
The KilnLink App is a free App that may be downloaded and used for free when you purchase a Touchscreen Controller. It will only allow you, and other users you invite, to monitor the current status of the kiln. You can still monitor your kiln from your phone if you have the Premium version of KilnLink running on a standard KM or GM controller however you would view it from a website formatted for mobile devices. We are in the process of developing a new version of the KilnLink App that gives Premium users access to their advanced features on the App.
MySkutt.com is the URL you visit to log into your account and see your KilnLink Premium information.